Flappy Bird

About Flappy Bird

Flappy Bird

Flappy Bird was a sudden surprise for everyone, including its creator who never anticipated his simple clicker game to go viral the way it did. The most likely explanation for its popularity is the brutal difficulty that people usually don’t expect from such an innocent-looking mobile game. Control the bird by occasionally flapping its wings, avoid crashing into pipes sticking out of the floor and the ceiling. Simple, right? Wrong: because of its core mechanics the game turned out to be so hard to play that it is nearly impossible to keep flying for more than a minute!

Many players have tried mastering Flappybird when it came out – the results often frustrated them to no end and made for some great rage-induced content from popular streamers. This, in turn, brought even more attention to the game making it a sensation unlike any other in recent years. To make the bird flap its wings the player needs to tap anywhere on the screen or click LMB. You can flap repeatedly, there is no limit, however, the speed of the bird and the dynamics of the flight are stacked against you making it extremely difficult not to crash.

Although the initial surge of popularity has ended, many people still play Flappy Bird online in their browsers and on their phones. How long can you keep flapping?

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